Dr. Rosita Worl: Biography in Short....

Dr. Rosita Worl, whose Tlingit names are Yeidiklats'okw and Kaa.haní, is Tlingit, Ch'áak' (Eagle) moiety of the Shangukeidí (Thunderbird) Clan from the Kawdliyaayi Hít (House Lowered From the Sun) in Klukwan. Yeidiklats'okw serves as the President of Sealaska Heritage Institute. She is an anthropologist and for many years served as Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Alaska Southeast. Yeidiklats'okw has a Ph.D. and a M.S. in Anthropology from Harvard University, and a B.A. from Alaska Methodist University. Dr. Worl has received many honors and works with several different Native organizations. She is an accomplished lecturer and author.

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